
guangdong wu
Chongqing University, China
gd198410@cqu.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Project Management; Public Management; Sustainable Construction; Construction Supply Chain
Associate editors(3)

josé manuel naranjo gómez
University of Extremadura, Spain
jnaranjo@unex.es | website
Research interests: IT Infrastructure; Planning; GIS; Spatial Analysis; Transportation Planning; Regional Planning; Spatial Statistics; Transportation Housing; Sustainable Development

tahir mumtaz awan
COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan
tahir_mumtaz@comsats.edu.pk | website
Research interests: Advertising; Branding; Social Media Marketing; Marketing Communication; Brand Management; Customer Satisfaction

dillip kumar das
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
DasD@ukzn.ac.za | website
Research interests: Sustainable Urban and Regional Development; Smart and Sustainable Cities. Transportation Planning; Infrastructure Planning and Management
Board members(30)

rui alexandre castanho
WSB University, Poland
acastanho@wsb.edu.pl | website
Research interests: Tourist Behavior; Environment and Development; Sustainable/responsible Tourism; Landscape Architecture; GIS; Cross-border Cooperation; Sustainable Rural Development; Strategic Sustainable Tourism; Policy Making; Urban and Regional Planning

andrzej sztando
Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, Poland
andrzej.sztando@ue.wroc.pl | website
Research interests: Public Management & Governance

alejandro pena
Universidad EAFIT, Colombia
japena@eafit.edu.co | website
Research interests: Computational Intelligence; Machine Learning

arian behradfar
University of Tehran, Iran
arian.behradfar92@gmail.com | website
Research interests: Spatial Planning; Sustainability; Land Use Change; Accessibility; Infrastructure

carlos pinto gomes
University of Évora, Portugal
cpgomes@uevora.pt | website
Research interests: Flora; Vegetation; Natural and Semi-natural Habitats; Management of Natural Plant Heritage

edwin vegas gallo
Universidad Peruana de Ciencias e Informática, Peru
evegas@upci.edu.pe | website
Research interests: Public Policies for Sustainable Development; Public Management; Biological Diversity

ana vulevic
Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia (IAUS), Serbia
Research interests: Urban Planning; Transportation Planning; Accessibility; Mobility; Environment Protection

eric vaz
Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada
evaz@ryerson.ca | website
Research interests: Geographical Information Systems; Spatial Analysis; Regional Science; Spatial Epidemiology; Business Geography; Archaeology; Heritage Landscapes; Complex Systems Science

giancarlo cotella
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
giancarlo.cotella@polito.it | website
Research interests: Territorial governance; Spatial Planning Systems

hana stverkova
VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
hana.stverkova@vsb.cz | website
Research interests: Business Economics; Behavioural Economics; Business Administration

jacinto garrido velarde
University of Extremadura, Spain
jgarridoif@gmail.com | website
Research interests: Urban Development; Urban Planning; Spatial Planning; City Planning; Land Use Planning; Urbanism; Sustainable Development; Human Geography; Environmental Planning; Landscape Architecture

jesús ventura
University of Seville, Spain
jventura@us.es | website
Research interests: Regional Geographic Analysis

josé manuel jurado-almonte
University of Huelva, Spain
jurado@dgf.uhu.es | website
Research interests: Territorial Studies; Agriculture; Tourism; Local Development; Strategic planning; Urban Planning; Infrastructure

julian mora aliseda
University of Extremadura, Spain
jmora@unex.es | website
Research interests: Regional geographic analysis

julio amezquita
Universidad de Cartagena, Colombia
jamezquital@unicartagena.edu.co | website
Research interests: Urban Development; Territorial Planning

luciana cordeiro fernandes
Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil
lucord@unicamp.br | website
Research interests: Water Resources; Groundwater; Soil Organization; Geoparks; Sustainability; Law and Environmental Education

luís loures
Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre, Portugal
lcloures@ipportalegre.pt | website
Research interests: Urban Planning; Landscape Reclamation; Urban Redevelopment

yichuan zhang
Henan Institute of Science and Technology, China
zhangyichuan2002@163.com | website
Research interests: Landscape Architecture Planning and Design Theory and Practice; Ecological Environment Restoration and Landscape Reconstruction

luís quinta-nova
Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco, Portugal
lnova@ipcb.pt | website
Research interests: Planning and Management of Natural Areas; Effects of Climate Change on the Distribution of Plant Species and Habitats; Assessment of the Ecological Potential of Plant Species

naseer abdul-razzak hasach al-hammood al-basri
Urban & Regional Planning-University of Baghdad, Iraq
naseer.hasach@uokufa.edu.iq | website
Research interests: Sustainable Planning; Housing Planning and Residential Design; Transportation and Traffic Planning; Geographic Information Systems; Environmental Planning; Land Uses Planning; Strategic Planning; Industrial Sites Planning; Regional Planning

natanya meyer
University of Johannesburg, South Africa
natanyam@uj.ac.za | website
Research interests: Entrepreneurial and Economic

roxana durán sosa
National University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica
roxana.duran.sosa@una.ac.cr | website
Research interests: Administration; Environmental Education; Environmental Management; Project management; Socio-economic Planning; Social facilitation; Human Resources

sema ylmaz genç
Yildiz Technical University, Turkey
sygenc@yildiz.edu.tr | website
Research interests: History of Economic Thought; Economic History; Behavioral Economics; Economic Theory; Economic Methodology

thomas panagopoulos
Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
tpanago@ualg.pt | website
Research interests: Landscape Reclamation; GIS in Landscape Assessment; Sustainable Development

riham aly ragheb
Pharos University, Egypt
riham.ragheb@pua.edu.eg | website
Research interests: Architecture

pedro dos santos portugal júnior
Centro Universitário do Sul de Minas, Brazil
pedro.portugal@professor.unis.edu.br | website
Research interests: Macroeconomics; Microeconomics; Economic Development; Regional Development; Environmental Economics; Social Accounting; Methodology; Economic Engineering and Finance

svitlana tulchynska
National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, Ukraine
tuha@ukr.net | website
Research interests:

ghada ahmed ragheb
Pharos University, Egypt
ghada.ragheb@pua.edu.eg | website
Research interests: Heritage; Conservation; Adaptive Reuse; Underwater Cultural Heritage

francesca abastante
Politecnico di Torino, Italy
francesca.abastante@polito.it | website
Research interests: Multicriteria Decision Analysis

julián mora aliseda
Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
jmora@unex.es | website
Research interests: Land Use Planning and Urban Planning; Sustainable Development; Strategic Planning and Cross-Border Cooperation
Editorial Process✯
56 days
Production Process✯
8 days
Acceptance Rate
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