Journal of Urban Development and Management (JUDM) is a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that delves into a broad spectrum of issues related to urban development and management. JUDM's mission is to offer an integrative perspective across various disciplines in the urban development and management arena, aiming to provide comprehensive solutions to urban challenges. The journal invites a range of original submissions, including reviews, research papers, short communications, and special issues, particularly encouraging works that address urban development and management in both developed and emerging countries.
JUDM's objective is to serve as a premier platform for the publication of detailed theoretical and experimental findings in urban studies. There are no restrictions on the length of papers, ensuring thorough documentation and reproducibility of results. Key features of the journal include:
Every publication benefits from prominent indexing, ensuring widespread recognition.
A distinguished editorial team upholds unparalleled quality and broad appeal.
Seamless online discoverability of each article maximizes its global reach.
An author-centric and transparent publication process enhances submission experience.
The scope of the journal covers, but is not limited to the following topics:
City Competitiveness: Detailed exploration of what makes cities economically and socially competitive, including factors like innovation, infrastructure, and livability.
Cities and Regulations: Analysis of legal and regulatory frameworks that shape urban development, zoning laws, building codes, and urban governance.
Common Planning Practices: Studies on prevalent urban planning strategies, community planning, and sustainable urban development methods.
Housing and Housing Policy: In-depth examination of housing development, affordability, market trends, and policies affecting urban housing sectors.
Urban Safety and Sanitation: Focus on public safety measures, urban health, sanitation management, and environmental health in urban areas.
Economic Development in Cities: Strategies and policies driving urban economic growth, including urban renewal projects and economic incentives.
Ecological Engineering in Urban Development: Application of ecological and environmental engineering principles in urban planning and construction.
Educational Policy and Urban Development: Impact of educational policies and institutions on urban growth and development.
Infrastructure Planning and Construction: Critical analysis of urban infrastructure development, including transportation systems, public utilities, and green spaces.
Innovations in Urban Design and Modeling: Creative approaches to urban design, architectural innovations, and the use of modeling in urban planning.
Urban Regeneration Projects: Case studies and strategies for revitalizing and redeveloping aging and neglected urban areas.
Participatory Urban Management: The role of community engagement and public participation in urban planning and decision-making.
Land Development and Use Changes: Trends and impacts of land development, land-use planning, and urban sprawl.
Interconnection of Transportation and Land Use: Studies on how urban transportation systems influence and are influenced by land use planning.
Landscape Architecture in Urban Spaces: The role of landscape architecture in enhancing urban aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability.
Regional Spatial Change and Development: Examination of spatial development patterns and changes at a regional scale around urban areas.
Dynamics of Urban Sprawl, Decay, and Gentrification: Investigating the causes and consequences of urban expansion, deterioration, and the process of gentrification.
Urban Ecology and Biodiversity: Studies on urban ecosystems, biodiversity in cities, and the ecological footprint of urban development.
Urban Politics and Governance: Analysis of political processes, policy-making, and governance structures in urban contexts.
Impact of Climate Change on Urban Areas: Exploration of how climate change affects urban environments, including challenges and adaptation strategies.
Energy Policies in Urban Contexts: The role of energy policy in shaping urban development, renewable energy integration, and urban sustainability initiatives.