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Volume 2, Issue 3, 2023


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An augmenting body of research is elucidating the psychological impacts of climate change, revealing a potential positive linkage between climate change anxiety and sustainable consumption through constructive concern. This investigation seeks to discern the presence and magnitude of a statistically significant relationship between climate change anxiety and patterns of sustainable consumption behaviour. The research employs a convenience sampling method, acquiring data through a causal study, whereby 455 valid survey responses were collected from 12th May to 12th June 2023. The interactive survey, formulated via Google Forms, was disseminated across Turkey. Analytical procedures were performed utilising SPSS and LISREL software, incorporating exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM) to interpret the data. Findings reveal a statistically significant relationship, within a 95% confidence interval, between climate change anxiety and sustainable consumption behaviour. A surge in climate change anxiety correlates with heightened environmental sensitivity, augmented saving tendencies, and an escalation in reusability inclinations. Conversely, it is associated with a decline in superfluous purchasing behaviour. It can be concluded that enhanced climate change anxiety among participants concomitantly amplifies their proclivity towards sustainable consumption’s sub-dimensions, such as environmental sensitivity, frugality, and reusability, while discretionary purchasing behaviours witness no augmentation. Certain limitations permeate the study: out of 487 respondents, 32 were omitted from analysis, suggesting the necessity for larger sample sizes in subsequent studies. Amplifying climate change awareness and endorsing sustainable consumption behaviour is pivotal to fostering a more sustainable world. Findings from the SEM imply that elevating environmental sensitivity could burgeon awareness regarding climate change. Given the pressing nature of the climate crisis, the current study postulates that climate change anxiety could serve as a catalyst for inducing sustainable consumption behaviour and underscores the imperative for further intricate research within this domain.


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In the face of escalating resource scarcity driven by the consumption of non-renewable resources, the industrial circular economy (ICE) emerges as a vital paradigm shift, pivotal for fostering resource-efficient societies and ensuring national resource security. This integrative review aims to critically assess the evolution and challenges inherent within the ICE over recent years, with a specific focus on the burgeoning role of machine learning (ML) in this domain. By synthesizing extant literature, this examination reveals several key findings. Firstly, the ICE significantly contributes to cost reduction through enhanced recycling and secondary utilization, underscoring its environmental stewardship. Secondly, it is evident that ML exhibits substantial promise in the manufacturing sector, not only augmenting production processes but also elevating product precision, reducing defect rates, and minimizing the likelihood of production mishaps. Most crucially, the application of ML within the ICE is identified as a potent catalyst, driving advancements across various facets - data analysis, model development, technological innovation, and equipment refinement. This analysis further elucidates the intrinsic value of ML in resource recycling and waste management, yielding improvements in resource recycling rates and methodologies, which in turn curtails production costs and amplifies output efficiency. Despite the strides made in replacing traditional industrial models with more sustainable ICE practices, challenges persist, particularly regarding the suboptimal levels of resource recycling and the continued generation of industrial waste. The integration of ML within ICE frameworks is posited as a transformative approach, offering not only enhanced resource recycling capabilities and superior product quality but also a sustainable trajectory for future industrial development. This study, therefore, contributes to the growing discourse on sustainable industrial practices, underscoring the synergistic potential of ML in revolutionizing the ICE, thereby aligning with the broader objectives of sustainable economic development.


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In addressing the pivotal challenge of mitigating environmental and health concerns in medical waste management (MWM), this study introduces a novel, integrated multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) framework employing T-spherical fuzzy sets (T-SFS) within the ambit of the Criteria Importance Through Inter-criteria Correlation-Multi-Attribute Utility Theory (CRITIC-MAUT) technique. Central to this approach is the deployment of T-SFS for expert evaluation of various treatment technologies, thereby refining the decision-making matrix with enhanced precision. The CRITIC method is adeptly utilized for the determination of weights for each criterion, thereby augmenting the accuracy of the decision-making process. An empirical case study conducted in China serves to validate the approach, evaluating five healthcare waste (HCW) treatment methods against a set of eight criteria. The culmination of this process is achieved through the application of the MAUT approach, facilitating the selection of the most suitable technology. Comparative analysis with extant MCDM methodologies underscores the robustness and reliability of the proposed approach, highlighting its distinct advantage in yielding conclusive results for optimal HCW treatment technology selection. This research not only contributes a novel methodology to the MWM domain but also establishes a comprehensive framework adept at navigating the intricacies inherent in the decision-making process for HCW treatment technologies.


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This study examines the relationship between managerial myopia and green innovation in corporations, utilizing data from non-financial and non-insurance A-share listed companies in the period from 2012 to 2021. It constructs a theoretical framework grounded in the principles of long-term investment and agency costs to analyze this relationship. The findings reveal that managerial myopia adversely affects sustainable capital investment and significantly impedes long-term green innovation activities within firms. Specifically, managerial myopia escalates agency costs, thereby stifling green innovation initiatives. This study elucidates that the agency dilemma in corporations, stemming from the dichotomy between ownership and management, is exacerbated by managerial myopia. Such a condition fosters a conflict between shareholders and managers, with the latter often prioritizing short-term gains over long-term value creation. This misalignment not only hinders the long-term trajectory of corporate development but also diminishes overall corporate value, thereby undermining green innovation efforts. The results underscore the detrimental impact of managerial myopia on the progression of green innovation. Consequently, it is imperative for corporate owners to acknowledge the pivotal role of management behavior in fostering green innovation and to actively mitigate the adverse effects of managerial myopia on corporate development.


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In the context of escalating green consumerism in Indonesia, there has been a notable shift in corporate strategies towards green marketing, stimulating an increase in scholarly investigations in this domain. This study conducts a systematic literature analysis to delineate the evolution and emerging trends in green marketing research within Indonesia over the past five years (2018-2023). A methodical examination of 38 pertinent documents, analyzed using Wordstat, forms the basis of this inquiry. Analysis is carried out based on productive countries, authors, institutions, journals, and distribution phrases. The findings reveal that Indonesia emerges as a leading nation in publishing research on this subject. Recurrent thematic phrases, each surpassing a frequency of 100 mentions, include ‘Green Marketing’, ‘Green Products’, ‘Green Advertising’, and ‘Willingness to Pay’. Furthermore, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) emerges as a predominant methodological approach. Green purchase intention and performance are the most widely used variables. This review not only describes the current situation of green marketing research in Indonesia, but also identifies mainstream methods and thematic priorities, providing valuable insights for future academic efforts in this increasingly relevant field.

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