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Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023


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Amidst a transformative economic milieu in China, domestic enterprises are venturing into the global market, exposing them to intensified perils in international trade and investment. This research elucidates the international trade and investment (ITI) context within China, establishing criteria for ITI risk evaluation through an analytical exploration of international trade interactions. A methodology has been developed to quantify ITI risk, employing deep neural networks (DNNs), with a particular focus on the potential impact of edge cloud computing on China's trading economy. Through the utilization of convolutional neural networks (CNN), risks in China's trade and investment are appraised across various dimensions, exhibiting a noteworthy accuracy rate of 90.38%. It is identified that while CNN exhibits exemplary performance in estimating severe and high-risk scenarios, its efficacy diminishes when discerning general investment perils. The analysis underscores that a substantial portion of investments, constituting 14.8%, emanates from The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China, with market dynamics and macroeconomic conditions markedly influencing the risk associated with Chinese investments. By extending the utilization of deep learning (DL) in financial investments and integrating edge cloud computing, this investigation augments the capabilities for assessing China's ITI risk, providing a valuable resource for comprehending the ITI landscape within China.


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Fermatean fuzzy set (FRFS) is very helpful in representing vague information that occurs in real world circumstances. Their eminent characteristic of FRFS is that the degree of membership $\Im^{\ell}$ and degree of nonmembership $\beth^\gamma$ satisfy the condition $0 \leq \Im^{\ell^3}(x)+\Im^{\ell^3}(x) \leq 1$, so the space of vague information they can describe is broader. This study introduces the concept of generalized parameters into the FRFS framework and proposes a set of generalized Fermatean fuzzy average aggregation operators for the purpose of information aggregation. Subsequently, the operators are expanded to encompass a generalized parameter based on group consensus, which is derived from the perspectives of numerous experienced senior experts and observers. The present study offers a multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methodology, which is demonstrated using a numerical example to successfully showcase the suggested technique. In conclusion, a comparative study is undertaken to validate the efficacy of the suggested technique in relation to existing methodologies.


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The quest for heightened precision in fuzzy system predictions has culminated in the development of an innovative model that integrates a Fuzzy K-Clustering (FKC) algorithm with a fuzzy neural network (FNN). In this approach, the novel FKC algorithm, herein introduced, undertakes the clustering of sample data. Subsequently, the clustering outcomes inform the configuration of the FNN, specifically guiding the determination of node quantities across its layers and the initial network parameters. A distinctive hybrid learning algorithm, designated as the Conjugate Recursive Least Squares (CRLS), facilitates the optimization of network parameters via distinct methods tailored to parameter types. This model underwent empirical validation using 2-minute interval average wind speed data from surface meteorological stations in China. Analytical comparisons between model predictions and actual wind speed data revealed an average absolute error of 0.2764m/s, an average absolute percentage error of 2.33%, and a maximum error of 0.6035m/s. The findings substantiate the model's superior predictive capability. This study thus presents a significant advancement in fuzzy system prediction methodologies, underscoring the potential of the FKC and FNN in complex data analysis.


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The evaluation of the Logistics Performance Index (LPI), as computed by the World Bank, incorporates six equally weighted criteria to ascertain the overall performance scores of countries globally. This study aims to scrutinize the impact of the weighting coefficients of criteria on the computation of the total LPI scores, employing a selection of Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods. The Criteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation (CRITIC) and Full Consistency Method (FUCOM) methods were utilized to determine the weighting coefficients, while the Measurement of Alternatives and Ranking according to Compromise Solution (MARCOS) method was employed for ranking the European Union member states. The findings reveal that Finland emerges as the top-ranked nation upon application of the integrated MCDM model. A comparative analysis was conducted, incorporating three additional MCDM methods to assess the robustness of the ranking. Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis was performed, generating sixty novel scenarios to examine the effects of variations in the criteria weighting coefficients. This analysis confirmed the influence of these coefficients on the ultimate ranking of the nations. The research underscores the significance of criteria weightings in the evaluation of the LPI and provides insights into the stability of the rankings under different weighting scenarios.


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This paper aims to introduce the concepts of complex Polytopic fuzzy sets (CPoFSs) and complex Polytopic fuzzy numbers (CPoFNs), advancing the field of fuzzy logic. Three innovative aggregation operators based on CPoFNs are presented: The complex Polytopic fuzzy weighted averaging aggregation (CPoFWAA) operator, the complex Polytopic fuzzy ordered weighted averaging aggregation (CPoFOWAA) operator, and the complex Polytopic fuzzy hybrid averaging aggregation (CPoFHAA) operator. A significant application of these complex Polytopic fuzzy sets is their integration into decision-making processes, particularly in identifying the most suitable COVID-19 vaccines for patients. This application highlights the practical relevance and the innovative nature of the proposed methods. The paper further demonstrates the efficacy and efficiency of these methods through a comprehensive example provided towards the end, underscoring their potential in real-world scenarios.
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