zaiquan wang
Qingdao University of Technology, China
zqwang4521@163.com | website
Research interests: Theoretical and Experimental Mechanics of Engineering Rock; Stability, Monitoring, and Early Warning in Underground Engineering
Executive editor in chief(1)
liming zhang
Qingdao University of Technology, China
shzhlm@qut.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Underground Rock Engineering Stability; Nearshore Geomechanics; Grouting Mechanics and Deformation Control; Big Data Forecasting in Underground Engineering
Associate editors(0)
Board members(10)
kewei liu
Central South University, China
kewei_liu@csu.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Structural and Geotechnical Dynamics; Engineering Simulation and Analysis; Deep Rock Mechanics; and Ultra-High Performance Concrete Materials
lei zheng
NYC department of Transportation, United States
Research interests: Structural Analysis/Design
tao liu
Ocean University of China, China
ltmilan@ouc.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Mechanism of Occurrence and Prevention of Marine Geological Environmental Disasters; Urban Environmental Geotechnical Engineering
ziqin jiang
Beijing University of Technology, China
jiangziqin@bjut.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Structural Engineering; Earthquake Resistant and Disaster Mitigation Engineering
jinjie men
Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology, China
jjmen@xauat.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Composite Structures; Earthquake Functional Recoverable Structures"; Acoustic Emission Non-Destructive Testing
tao lan
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation International Engineering Co., Ltd, China
Research interests: Structural Design in the Field of Steel Structures
hai wu
Hunan University of Science and Technology, China
wuhai@hnust.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Control and Modeling of Mining Pressure; Tunnel Stability; and Numerical Rock Mechanics Simulations
jin tao
Southeast University, China
lily8033@163.com | website
Research interests: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Tunnel Engineering; Durability Study of Underground Structures"
shili qiu
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
slqiu@whrsm.ac.cn | website
Research interests: Mechanism of Unloading Deformation and Failure in Deep Rock Mass and Rockburst Risk Assessment
jiangyu wu
China University of Mining and Technology, China
wujiangyu@cumt.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Cemented Backfill Materials; Grouting Materials; Nano Functional Modification
Journal Metrics
Editorial Process✯
46 days
Production Process✯
17 days
Acceptance Rate
Free of charge
Journal Overview
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