
andreas pester
British University in Egypt, Egypt
andreas.pester@bue.edu.eg | website
Research interests: Differential Equations; LabVIEW; MATLAB, Educational Technology; Blended Learning; M-Learning; Deep Learning

zhuang wu
Capital University of Economics and Business, China
wuzhuang@cueb.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Decision Optimization and Management; Computational Intelligence; Intelligent Information Processing; Big Data; Online Public Opinion; Image Processing and Visualization
Associate editors(2)

frederic andres
National Institute of Informatics, Japan
andres@nii.ac.jp | website
Research interests: Cloud Computing; Computer Aided Instruction; Convolutional Neural Nets; Data Handling; Data Privacy; Distance Learning

c. anantaram
Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Delhi, India
c.anantaram@iiitd.ac.in | website
Research interests: Computer Science; Artificial Intelligence; Knowledge Systems; Natural Language Processing for Business Applications; Artificial Development; Formal Concept Analysis
Board members(21)

dan centea
McMaster University, Canada
centeadn@mcmaster.ca | website
Research interests: Automotive and Vehicle Engineering Technology; Engineering Design; Industry 4.0; Digital & Smart Systems; Transportation

chutiporn anutariya
Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
chutiporn@ait.asia | website
Research interests: Learning Technologies and Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs); Database and Information Systems; Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management; Open Data and Open Government Data; Semantic and Linked Data Technologies; Ontologies; Web and Mobile Technologies

mario bochicchio
University of Bari, Italy
mario.bochicchio@uniba.it | website
Research interests: Technology-Enhanced Learning; Applied Informatics and Databases; Information Systems; Conceptual Modeling; Remote Engineering; Online Labs

liubov oleshchenko
National Technical University of Ukraine, Ukraine
oleshchenkoliubov@gmail.com | website
Research interests: Computer Communications (Networks); Software Engineering and Computing in Mathematics

matthew hall
British University in Egypt, Egypt
matthew.hall@bue.edu.eg | website
Research interests: Digital Gender-Sexual vVolations and Spans; Psychology; Sociology; Criminology and Gender Studies

walid hussein
British University in Egypt (BUE), Cairo, Egypt
walid.hussein@bue.edu.eg | website
Research interests: Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining

k. rajkumar
Bishop Heber College, India
dr.rajkumarkannan@gmail.com, rajkumar@bhc.edu.in | website
Research interests: Multimedia and Web Retrieval; Machine Learning; Collective Intelligence and ServiceInnovation

jinxing shen
Hohai University, China
shenjx03@163.com | website
Research interests: Optimization of the Multimodal Public Transportation System

anatoly gladun
Department of the Intelligence Telecommunications System IRTCenter of Information Technologies and Systems, Ukraine
glanat@yahoo.com | website
Research interests: Knowledge of the Domain (E-Learning, E-Medicine, E-Commerce, Semantic Search, Algorithms of the Intelligent Web); Intelligent Software Agents; Semantic Web-Services, etc

wei hu
Shanghai University of Electric Power, China
hwshiep@shiep.edu.cn | website
Research interests: Energy and Power Optimization and Decision-Making; Smart Energy Management; Energy Blockchain

mohammad al-jarrah
Yarmouk University, Jordan
jarrah@yu.edu.jo | website
Research interests: Real-Time Embedded Hardware Implementation; High Performance Computing; Parallel Processing

hamidreza mahyar
McMaster University, Canada
mahyarh@mcmaster.ca | website
Research interests: Machine Learning; Network Science

kamred udham singh
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
kamredudhamsingh@gmail.com | website
Research interests: Image Steganography; Image Watermarking

jailsingh bhookya
National Institute of Technology Calicut, India, India
jailsingh@nitc.ac.in | website
Research interests: Electronic System Design; Internet of Things; Soft Computing; Optimization; AI/ML and Optimal Control

jyostna devi bodapati
Vignan’s Foundation for Science Technology and Research, India
jyostna.bodapati82@gmail.com | website
Research interests: Machine Learning; Deep Learning

nahla barakat
British University in Egypt (BUE), Cairo, Egypt
nahla.barakat@bue.edu.eg | website
Research interests: Fundamental of Multimedia; System Analysis & Design; Business Process Modelling; MIS and Decision Support Systems

markus prossegger
Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, Austria
M.Prossegger@fh-kaernten.at | website
Research interests: Soft-Computing in the Area of Geodata; Simulation and Optimization; Artificial Intelligence; Swarm Intelligence; Expert Systems; Education; Data Science

ridhima mehta
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
mehtar1989@gmail.com | website
Research interests: Cross-Layer Optimization; Wireless Communications; Multiple-Objective Design; Ad-Hoc Networks; Artificial Intelligence; Genetic Algorithm; Fuzzy Logic Systems; Convex Programming

xiayang shi
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, China
Research interests: Natural Language Processing; Deep Learning

ahthasham sajid
Faculty of Computing, Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
gullje2008@hotmail.com | website
Research interests: Wireless & Sensor Networks (VANET, MANETS, UAVs); under Water Sensor Networks; Network Security

chunhua qian
School of Smart Agricultural, Suzhou Polytechnic Institute of Agriculture, Suzhou 215008, China
Research interests: Agricultural Remote Sensing Applications; Agricultural Artificial Intelligence; Agricultural Image Processing and Analysis; Agricultural Big Data Analysis
Editorial Process✯
51 days
Production Process✯
6 days
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