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Our team of professional in-house editors is responsible for fast, high-quality production of each accepted manuscript. All editors have received extensive trainings on editing skills, and successfully produced articles for academic journals on various disciplines, including those operated by our partners.
Acadlore also maintains a group of talents well-versed in translation and language polishing, and collaborates deeply with several highly-recognized language service providers. As a result, we are capable of providing free language editing, as well as paid language services like translation and English polishing.
The following flowchart illustrates the production process from the acceptance of a manuscript to its publication.
Copy editing
Language editing
File production
Copy editing

Copy editing is the process of revising the accepted manuscript to improve readability and fitness, and that text is in line with the formatting guide. A trained and experienced copy editor makes simple revisions to smooth awkward passages, identify structural and organizational problems, and offer suggestions on how to address these problems.
Language editing

Language editing, also known as linguistic editing, mainly involves correcting grammatical mistakes, spelling, usage, and punctuation. Our professional in-house editors will correcting grammatical mistakes, resolve punctuation mistakes, fix misspellings, solve word usage errors, and eliminate biased language in your article for free.

Proofreading is a safety net that ensures that the author and copy editor did not miss anything. A proofreader will meticulously comb through the proof to see if any mistake is missed by the copy editor, or if a mistake is accidently introduced during the production process. In addition to typos, the mistakes may include: incorrect page numbers, inaccurate indices, text misalignment, additional/missing spaces, and incorrect paragraphing.
File production

At the final stage of publication, a professional in-house editor will produce the final files of your article for online publication. Every operation of this stage is completed swiftly in our independently developed online management system, such as layout setting, format selection, and file generation.

Before copy editing, the authors can ask for paid language service from Acadlore to further improve the readability of their articles. Experienced language workers will focus on the following aspects: improving sentence structure, improving flow, solving usage controversies, improving clarity and style, fact-checking, and addressing any errors or discrepancies in content.
Table of contents